18 research outputs found

    Meaningfulness in the Work of Language Professionals

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    This qualitative study explores the changes that a specific group of knowledge workers – language professionals in Finland – have undergone in their work and how they perceive the meaningfulness of their work as a result. The data presented in this article has been collected through group interviews and is part of a larger data set. To make sense of our data, we use thematic analysis and the framework of meaningful work presented by Rosso et al. For some of our research participants, the factors of meaningful work are present. For others, changes in work, such as platform work and outsourcing, have reduced autonomy and development possibilities. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings

    Minimalism Heuristics Revisited : Developing a Practical Review Tool

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    Purpose: This article looks at existing minimalism literature and the application of minimalism heuristics. It proposes a revised set of minimalism heuristics to be used at different phases of the minimalist documentation process. The goal is to offer a practical tool for technical communication professionals. Method: The revised heuristics are a combination of a literature review, the best practices of technical communication, and a company pilot study where the heuristics were tested. Results: The article offers a revised list of minimalism heuristics, to be used as part of the minimalist documentation process to ensure documentation quality. Conclusion: The technical communication field is charting new ground in the era of responsive design and mobile platforms.In this new landscape, the principles of minimalism have much to offer. The proposed minimalism heuristics comprise one strategy of applying minimalism for better documentation quality.©2021 Society for Technical Communication.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Voidaanko tekstin luettavuutta mitata matemaattisilla indekseillä?

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    Voidaanko tekstin luettavuutta mitata matemaattisilla indekseillä?

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    Tekninen viestintä murroksessa:mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita

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    English summary This article looks at the current state of the technical communication profession in Finland through an internet survey conducted by the Finnish Society for Technical Communication (STVY r.y.) in the autumn of 2015. The survey results are discussed in conjunction with the literature of the field in order to form an understanding of the challenges and opportunities technical communication practitioners face in presentday Finland. It is widely acknowledged that globally, technical communication is a diversified and fragmented field — although reasonably established, it lacks many of the characteristics professions generally have. Such characteristics include standardization of the skills and competences required in the field. The Erasmus+-funded TecCOMFrame project undertaken by the professional society tekom is a current effort to formalize technical communication education across Europe. Uniform education is seen as a way to bring together this fragmented field and help guide it towards professionalization

    “It’s a strange little business” – issues in technical communication

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    The quality of technical communication products, for example user guides, is often criticized. The structure or the contents may be confusing, or the information presented does not answer the questions we have about the device or software program we are trying to use. Technical communication as a profession is facing issues such as outsourcing and offshoring. In this paper, the field of technical communication is outlined and some of the main problems in the field are analyzed. Ethnographic data and literary sources are used as tools in the analysis

    Technical communication as an activity system: a practitioner’s perspective

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    Abstract The quality of technical communication, for example the user guides created for various high-technology products, is often criticized. The information is not available when it would be needed, or it is not presented in a way suitable for our purposes. However, in the increasingly technology-based society of today, we are expected to operate a range of technical devices and software programs daily, at work and at home. The current re-structuring of the IT industry in Finland, on the other hand, has affected technical communication profoundly: cost pressures and outsourcing have led to narrow job descriptions, job losses and diminished wellbeing at work. Companies do not seem to appreciate the impact of high-quality technical communication on user experience. The work environments of technical communicators are also challenging: their background is typically in the Humanities, but they work with highly technical products. In many cases, they have learned the needed skills independently and in practice; very few experienced technical communicators have training in the field. In this study, some of the central contradictions in the technical communication activity are explored by applying activity theory on autoethnographic interview data. This study provides new information about technical communication as a profession, but the issues it raises are not limited to technical communication only: the restructuring of the IT sector is a phenomenon affecting a variety of fields. The aim of this dissertation is twofold: 1) to investigate and describe the current status of the field in Finland, and 2) to suggest solutions to some of the problems we are facing using the tools offered by activity theory.Tiivistelmä Teknisen viestinnän, esimerkiksi erilaisten teknisten järjestelmien käyttöohjekirjojen, maine ei ole kovin hyvä. Tietoa ei ole tarjolla kun sitä tarvitaan, tai se esitetään tavalla joka ei vastaa toiveitamme. Nykypäivän tietoyhteiskunnassa pärjääminen kuitenkin vaatii tietoteknisiä perustaitoja niin kotona, koulussa kuin töissäkin. Suomessa tällä hetkellä käynnissä oleva IT-alan murros taas on vaikuttanut suuresti teknisen viestinnän ammattikuntaan: kustannuspaineet ja ulkoistukset ovat johtaneet työnkuvan kapenemiseen, työpaikkojen menetyksiin ja työviihtyvyyden vähenemiseen. Yrityksissä ei nähdä laadukkaan teknisen viestinnän merkitystä käyttäjäkokemukselle. Teknisten viestijöiden työolosuhteet ovat myös haastavat: he ovat usein humanistitaustaisia henkilöitä, jotka työskentelevät vaativien teknisten tuotteiden parissa. He ovat tyypillisesti opetelleet vaaditut tekniset taidot omatoimisesti työn ohessa, ja hyvin harvalla pidempään alalla olleella on teknisen viestinnän koulutusta tukenaan. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan teknisen viestinnän keskeisiä ristiriitoja tulkitsemalla autoetnografista haastatteluaineistoa toiminnan teorian kautta. Tutkimus luo uutta tietoa teknisestä viestinnästä ammattikuntana, mutta esiin nostetut ongelmat eivät liity pelkästään tekniseen viestintään: IT-sektorilla käynnissä oleva rakennemuutos vaikuttaa useisiin aloihin. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on 1) selvittää alan nykytilanne Suomessa ja 2) tarjota ratkaisuehdotuksia alan haasteisiin toiminnan teorian tarjoamien työkalujen avulla

    Meaningfulness in the Work of Language Professionals

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    This qualitative study explores the changes that a specific group of knowledge workers – language professionals in Finland – have undergone in their work and how they perceive the meaningfulness of their work as a result. The data presented in this article has been collected through group interviews and is part of a larger data set. To make sense of our data, we use thematic analysis and the framework of meaningful work presented by Rosso et al. For some of our research participants, the factors of meaningful work are present. For others, changes in work, such as platform work and outsourcing, have reduced autonomy and development possibilities. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings.peerReviewe

    Meaningfulness in the work of language professionals

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    Abstract This qualitative study explores the changes that a specific group of knowledge workers — language professionals in Finland — have undergone in their work and how they perceive the meaningfulness of their work as a result. The data presented in this article has been collected through group interviews and is part of a larger data set. To make sense of our data, we use thematic analysis and the framework of meaningful work presented by Rosso et al. For some of our research participants, the factors of meaningful work are present. For others, changes in work, such as platform work and outsourcing, have reduced autonomy and development possibilities. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings